Tag Archives: automattic

Automattic Announces Plans To Run Tumblr In WordPress

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From Automattics News Blog:
Since Automattic acquired Tumblr we’ve made it more efficient, grown its revenue, and worked to improve the platform. But there’s one part of the plan that we haven’t yet started, which is to run Tumblr on WordPress. I’m pleased to say we’re kicking off that project now!

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We’re not talking about changing Tumblr. We’re not turning Tumblr into WordPress. That would defeat the purpose. We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction. We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside.

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Running Tumblr on WordPress will make it easier to share our work across platforms. We can build something once and bring it to both WordPress and Tumblr. We can run Tumblr on the rock-solid infrastructure behind WordPress.com. Tumblr will benefit from the collective effort that goes into the open source WordPress project. And WordPress will benefit from the tools and creativity we invest into Tumblr and contribute back to WordPress.
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Tumblr Announces That “Tipping” Will Go Away On June 1st 2024

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The Announcement:
We introduced Tipping back in February 2022 in response to your feedback, and it’s been a great addition to many communities on Tumblr. We do love to launch features that bring you joy, and Tipping was a part of that effort.

Unfortunately, Tipping hasn’t seen the usage we’d hoped for. So, in order to focus on the things that really make Tumblr Tumblr for most users, we’re shutting Tipping down on June 1.
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Celebrating My 16 Year Anniversary Achievement In WordPress

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Before I begin I need to apologize about the lateness in bringing this bit of news to your attention. It wasn’t intentional and as I’ve often mentioned here on the Ken Pierce Media outlet, I love sharing any of the online anniversaries for the websites and even our social media platforms because its a great way to line out what makes this kind of pursuit tick and to celebrate any milestone achievements. Its a lot less self-aggrandizing than it is informational and with that being said onto the news. Back in September I got the notice from the WordPress Administration screen that I had just reached my 16th Anniversary Achievement on the platform. Ordinarily I would rush to share this kind of news but the publishing regimen was a bit chaotic across all brands with some major events being covered and written about along with assorted videos for the family of YouTube Channels. Historically, the delving into WordPress was to have a side blog that was connected to the original version of the PiercingMetal site and while we would call this “PiercingMetal Musings”, it is but a memory at this point in my creative history. Since then the entire original website has been reformatted into WordPress and now it just keeps getting larger in terms of the posts and images I’ve uploaded. Since starting in the HTML Side of publishing, its just amazing to see how much has changed thanks to something like WordPress. Let’s take a look at some standings as far as what the Admin panel of each website tallies up.

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Celebrating My 15 Year Anniversary Achievement In WordPress

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A few short days ago, I received a notification in my WordPress Administration screen that I had just reached a 15th Anniversary Achievement on the platform. Pretty cool right? Now since I love to discuss milestones and anniversaries I figured this was the perfect time to look back on that first sign on and how its all grown since then. So my initial process in creating a WordPress was to have a side blog to the already running for years PiercingMetal website. I created a very humble blogspot and called it “PiercingMetal Musings” but since it was related but not connected to the original site all of the traffic would not add to the numbers that the PiercingMetal site was accruing day by day. When I learned that an installation of WordPress could be placed under the proper domain, I took the plunge and imported those posts into that area and used the same name. Now the WordPress traffic would work with the proper HTML Site. The site was now 50% Old School and 50% New School. In 2014 I converted to WordPress on that side of the fence (discussed HERE) and then later on that same year merged the “PiercingMetal Musings” blog into the main site (discussed HERE). From then on it’s been all WordPress all the time with each of the creative branches and voila – 15 years deep into this method of web-publishing. Let’s take a look.

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