Tag Archives: anniversaries

Ken Pierce Media Celebrates It’s Second Twitterversary

Hello friends, I am here to share a little later than planned news about Ken Pierce Media and its social media platform use. Every year, Twitter seems to let you know when you’ve hit your anniversary on the platform and while mine was actually a couple of weeks ago, I decided to share that announcement and also offer up some thoughts about it all. Down below is the post you can do for such occasions and while its a tad corny, I do actually like this kind of stuff. With so many other networks to follow and their own socials, I’ve learned that its important to celebrate every anniversary and every milestone. Dig in.

Before I get into some of the whole deeper thought process, there is something else I like to do when it comes to Twitter. Over the past few years of these kinds of announcements for the @piercingmetal and @piercingken Twitter accounts, I’ve shared the very first tweet that was ever done for the profile. Perhaps its a bit of pointless nostalgia or maybe a sense of marking time on said platform but whatever the case may be, I now present to you the very first tweet done by the Ken Pierce Media profile.
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Celebrating My 15 Year Anniversary Achievement In WordPress

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A few short days ago, I received a notification in my WordPress Administration screen that I had just reached a 15th Anniversary Achievement on the platform. Pretty cool right? Now since I love to discuss milestones and anniversaries I figured this was the perfect time to look back on that first sign on and how its all grown since then. So my initial process in creating a WordPress was to have a side blog to the already running for years PiercingMetal website. I created a very humble blogspot and called it “PiercingMetal Musings” but since it was related but not connected to the original site all of the traffic would not add to the numbers that the PiercingMetal site was accruing day by day. When I learned that an installation of WordPress could be placed under the proper domain, I took the plunge and imported those posts into that area and used the same name. Now the WordPress traffic would work with the proper HTML Site. The site was now 50% Old School and 50% New School. In 2014 I converted to WordPress on that side of the fence (discussed HERE) and then later on that same year merged the “PiercingMetal Musings” blog into the main site (discussed HERE). From then on it’s been all WordPress all the time with each of the creative branches and voila – 15 years deep into this method of web-publishing. Let’s take a look.

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Ken Pierce Media Celebrates Its Second Anniversary (2020-2022)

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Greetings readers I am taking a pause from the usual posts of the day to celebrate what amounts to being the second online anniversary of the still growing outlet known as Ken Pierce Media. The newbies to this branding should be aware that I launched this in June of 2020 during the height of the pandemic as a tool to help me with some web-consulting. I’ve built up some WordPress trainer level skills thanks to all the friends I’ve helped along the way and felt that learning some tricks in the Google Blogger medium would be of benefit as well and likely find me teaching people to upgrade their own online presence. The initial plan was just to have an empty blog to use to poke around and be able to help then out but after looking at the name I decided upon a few times I began adding posts to it. Despite the lack of well, everything, by June 2020 the two websites were posting on an almost daily basis. My original announcement is shared once again in a link that leads you to “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” by clicking HERE). I thought a lot was accomplished during the first year but wow did the second one blow that out of the doors.

ken pierce media anniversary images, ken pierce media anniversaries
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