Hey my friends so while this is rather a simple one I feel that it’s super-important nonetheless. I’m taking a quick moment out of the day to let you know that the continually growing Ken Pierce Media presence has created an account on Linktree. Now you might be wondering why this even merits a general announcement and the answer is quite simple. For starters, when I find something that is helpful to ones own brand identity I want to share it with them and when it comes to this outlet the goal is to use this space to share some of the development news. Also, when one embarks into the world of social media or launches a website you end up with a wealth of links as time goes on. Remember that KPM began soley as a Blogspot to be used as a creative scratchpad but over time became bigger and broader. It now has a on full on professional level website and twelve other networks connected to brand. For those who don’t yet know what Linktree actually is, its a free or pay for tool that let’s you create a tree of networks. I’ve actually been using this for both PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken and have it on the Official Instagram and Twitter profiles of those websites. This is far better than wracking your brain trying to decide what link to put in. Most of us would use a general website but the world today finds people only using their TikTok, or Facebook or YouTube Pages with a parked domain name and instead of flipping a coin about them you just create a Linktree and put that link where it says “URL”.
Continue reading Ken Pierce Media Is Now Using Linktree
Category Archives: From The Editor
Updates from the Media Command HQ.
Christmas in New York City 2022: From The TikTok Perspective
It was Christmastime in New York City and once again the Editorial High Command over at “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” (aka me) would be embarking on the now annual presentation of assorted holiday trees and other noteworthy Christmas decor. This year I’ve decided to present it a little differently and use the social media side of the fence to raise the entertainment value just a little bit. For the last few months we’ve been using branded accounts on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube a lot more since each of those networks are pushing what they are calling short form videos. Since each website I run has a channel, I want to take advantage of as many things that will generate attention as possible. Here are the feeds from the TikTok account which is something I’ve jumped into a lot since the New York Comic Con that was this past October. So while we are posting this news at the beginning of December this post will be updated accordingly as new locations are published on the TikTok network. In other words, check back often until the holiday is over. I hope you enjoy this.
From Brooklyn Commons
@kenpiercemedia The Christmas Trees of NYC Adventure for 2022 begins with the amazing #christmastree at #brooklyncommons #happyholidays
From The New York Stock Exchange off Wall Street
@kenpiercemedia Holiday hello from the Wall Street Christmas Tree.
Continue reading Christmas in New York City 2022: From The TikTok Perspective
UBS Arena Celebrates Its First Anniversary
The Press Release:
UBS ARENA CELEBRATES ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! New York’s UBS Arena Guests Love Beer and Chicken Fingers!
The Foodie Stats:
* 494,000 cans of beer
* 254,000 bottles of water
* 130,000 servings of chicken fingers
* 90,000 bottles of soda
* 77,000 servings of French fries
* 67,000 hot dogs
* 51,000 boxes of popcorn
* 34,000 Shaq Big Chicken sandwiches
* 15,000+ of these are “The Islander”!
* 18,000 gallons of draft beer
* 13,000 gallons of fountain soda
Continue reading UBS Arena Celebrates Its First Anniversary
Ken Pierce Media Posts 50th Clip on TikTok
Yesterday, the Ken Pierce Media angle posted what amounted to being the fiftieth video clip to the TikTok network. As I pointed out in a post found HERE; I have had an account for a number of months before actually diving into its use when I got the pass for the 2022 edition of the New York Comic Con. That First Clip was only done back in late September so I was kind of amused to hit clip #50 not even two months later and now I’ve got some thoughts on this network and will share the overall view on how I’m going to keep on using it.
@kenpiercemedia Reminding everyone in our orbit to get out and vote tomorrow on #electionday 11/8/2022. It’s really important to #castyourvote and keep the politicians working for us as much as possible. I’ll be working as one of the Inspectors.
Ken Pierce Media Subsumes “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” Snapchat
Greetings my friends I’ve returned to start off your week with another interesting development in the world of the continually growing branding known as “Ken Pierce Media”. As some of the more tenured in our following are aware, this outlet was officially created in June 2020 as a branding and a simple Blogspot but since then its moved onward and upward and been taken down a much larger path than ever anticipated. When this began to grow and after I had created the standard social media accounts of the time in Facebook and Twitter, I reviewed a number of my single-use profiles and integrated them into the KPM brand. When I say “single-use”, I mean one of those profiles that only existed for one or the other sites. The Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all have profiles for each brand and I eventually needed to do this with YouTube. With that being said there were networks that just sat there and I felt like I had abandoned them or only would use once in awhile. Now, much like the long-standing Tumblr account, I have subsumed the Snapchat profile that was set up for “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” website.
Continue reading Ken Pierce Media Subsumes “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” Snapchat