Tag Archives: tumblrverse

Ken Pierce Media Tumblr Joins Five Thousand Post Alliance

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It was back in early July when this Ken Pierce Media dotcom had achieved a posting milestone of 5000 Posts. This would happen only a month after its first anniversary and was discussed HERE for those who wish some larger insight. Today, the original “source material’ that this blog stemmed from over on Tumblr achieved its own 5000th post. The reason the website hit that number first was based on a more robust inclusion of the Instagram profiles than I opt to share over to Tumblr. Perhaps that will change since the more we post the more chance there is to see the profiles.

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Spotlighting The Ken Pierce Media Facebook Page on Tumblr

ken pierce media facebook page

As Facebook is the biggest of the social networking tools on the web, it’s become necessary to bring the Ken Pierce Media angle into their realm by launching an Official Business Page. Those who like what we are involved in can find the page on Facebook by clicking https://www.facebook.com/kenpiercemedia – We ask that you kindly “Like” said Page and select “See First” to make sure the algorithm doesn’t hide any activity from you.

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Asking Our Tumblr Followers To Check Out The Official Facebook of PiercingMetal.com

Once I was able to share my Facebook posts for PiercingMetal with those who were digging into my Tumblr page but that is over now since they opted out of remaining functional.  While we only have less than a dozen followers in this realm I guess its a non-issue but there are folks who “find us” and that’s why the account remains open.  To participate in the coolness that I share on the sites Facebook I encourage you to hit the link and please select “Like”.  You can also invite friends and that makes it a better party.  Drop by.

Official Facebook of PiercingMetal.com

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Asking Our Tumblr Followers To Check Out “PiercingMetal Musings”

I really wish that Tumblr had left good enough alone and kept on feeding my posts to those who chose to join us on their domain.  Now that they rarely feed my notations and happenings into the stream on my own account its almost pointless to have it as a social media platform.  Want to see my PiercingMetal Official Blog?  Then please hit this link and follow our RSS.  I’ll do my best to keep you entertained.

Check Out “PiercingMetal Musings”

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