Tag Archives: social networking

Ken Pierce Media Is On Twitter

Hey there readers. I’m making this post to continue to raise your awareness about this new brand and the social networks that I will be employing as it continues to build. We are now officially on Twitter because tweeting is a very important function these days and back in December when I first created the Ken Pierce Media Twitter, we were only using the Tumblr and Blogspot feeds and didn’t have this WordPress. Our very first Tweet is down below and I hope that you will give this profile a “Follow”.

In the coming weeks, I will be re-assigning the URL from Tumblr to WordPress and activating said WordPress on my current hosting plan to sit alongside my PiercingMetal.com and “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” websites. From there I will continue along the process of building this new brand and sharing some exiting new developments that you will be enjoying on the other two websites. Stay tuned.

twitter, ken pierce media on twitter

Official Website: http://www.twitter.com

Ken Pierce Media Now On Twitter

We have joined Twitter with this growing medium. Below is our First Tweet on the account so please consider following us. We’d love to have you along with us on the new journey.

Follow Ken Pierce Media on Twitter to be a part of the conversation as it happens.

twitter logo

PiercingMetal’s Tumblr Turned 11 Today!

The Tumblr profile for PiercingMetal has turned “11” years old today. I’ve added some thoughts about this social media milestone over on “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” so please click HERE to learn more.

piercing ken logo