Hey there readers. I’m making this post to continue to raise your awareness about this new brand and the social networks that I will be employing as it continues to build. We are now officially on Twitter because tweeting is a very important function these days and back in December when I first created the Ken Pierce Media Twitter, we were only using the Tumblr and Blogspot feeds and didn’t have this WordPress. Our very first Tweet is down below and I hope that you will give this profile a “Follow”.
Hey Friends! I've had profiles for years w @piercingmetal and @PiercingKen but this is the very #FirstTweet for my brand-new #kenpiercemedia angle as I bring it into the #Twitterverse – #StayTuned for what's to come
— Ken Pierce Media (@kenpiercemedia) December 12, 2020
In the coming weeks, I will be re-assigning the URL from Tumblr to WordPress and activating said WordPress on my current hosting plan to sit alongside my PiercingMetal.com and “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” websites. From there I will continue along the process of building this new brand and sharing some exiting new developments that you will be enjoying on the other two websites. Stay tuned.
Official Website: http://www.twitter.com