Tag Archives: tour dates

Xandria Announces First-Ever North American Headlining Tour

Xandria Announces North American Headlining Tour

I love a good concert tour announcement and this one ranks high on my list since its bringing a few bands that we don’t see all that often around these parts and that is awesome. Check out the press release below. The Press Release: German Epic Symphonic Metal stalwarts XANDRIA have taken things to the next level with their seventh studio album Theater of Dimensionss. The album is a…

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KISS Announces “Freedom To Rock” 2016 Summer Tour

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For me, it’s always a great way to end the week when you get word about a kickass upcoming tour and to me personally its all the more special when the band turns out to be KISS. Yes those masked men of Hard Rock have unveiled the information about the summer “Freedom To Rock” Tour and I’ve copied the full press release for you below along with the poster and provided dates. Don’t worry, I’ll be…

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Blech: The Lamb Of God – Dethklok & Gojira Tour Is Cancelled

Blech: The Lamb Of God – Dethklok & Gojira Tour Is Cancelled

Prepare Ye Metalheads For The Summer Slaughter Of 2011

The Summer Slaughter Tour for 2011 has just been announced and while many months away at the time of the news, you can check out the poster and the artists over on PiercingMetal by clicking HERE

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