Tag Archives: instagramming

From The Gram: Launcher One Lands In Times Square, NYC

I was on my way to work when I observed that a rocketship had landed in Times Square. Behold, the Launcher One from Virgin Orbit.

Site visitors are encouraged to click the heart on the photo and come “Follow” the profile to enjoy all of our other images and adventures.

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From The Gram: “Diana The Musical” Ends Its Broadway Run

The Broadway show “Diana The Musical” has ended its run at the Longacre Theatre.

Site visitors are encouraged to click the heart on the photo and come “Follow” the profile to enjoy all of our other images and adventures.

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From The Gram: It’s Election Day in New York City!

The Management was on call for Election Day and working as one of the Inspectors at a table confirming that the voters were in the proper location and understood the ballot for the election. Here’s our credentials for the day 🙂 We pointed the flashlight on this with the Piercing Ken Instagram.

Site visitors are encouraged to click the heart on the photo and come “Follow” the profile to enjoy all of our other images and adventures.

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New York Comic Con 2021 Takes Over The PiercingMetal Instagram

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As previously reported, PiercingMetal was in attendance at the 2021 New York Comic Con and in addition to the in-depth coverage we were extensively utilizing our Official Instagram. Learn more on the website by clicking HERE.

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