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The Alexa Internet Ranking Site Has Sunset (1996-2022)

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Back in December, we shared the editorial news that the Alexa Internet measurement site/service would be sunset effective May 1st (seen HERE). Sadly, there was no 11:55PM call from the Governor and the long-standing gauge of Internet reach is done and gone. Visitors to the site will be greeted by this visual if they still have it saved as a favorite. Time to release that from your rundown of sites as well since you can use it for another site.

alexa, alexa internet

Ken Pierce Media Thoughts: Outside of saying that I will miss the relative reliability of this measurement service, I don’t really have much to add to their sunset. They really served a lot of website owners well with the means to measure how their sites were being trafficked over a period of time. The lower your ranking number was the better your website was doing across the global web. So a “10” was better than a “100”. There was a good chance if you had a site that implemented numerous changes to the structure and content you would see a jump in the numbers if your data was now more accessible to Google and their search engines. Having done some work for a client along these lines I can confirm that this worked. I’ll miss that aspect of their service for sure. Thanks Alexa for helping me learn more about the site reach and how to work with clients and their own outlets for as long as you did. So far I’ve not learned of what other measurement site will look to replace this one. Many are using SimilarWeb which I have a profile on to do research but that service is more of a pay to use with a very limited free model. That’s all I’ve got for this one. Were you a regular user of Alexa Internet? Will you miss it? Chime in down below with your thoughts about it all. See you next time.

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