As the Ken Pierce Media idea increases more and more, I’d like to share one of the latest developments in this brand-building process. For many years, I’ve been a user of the LinkedIn network and this is primarily for personal career networking and interaction. Back in 2013, the option was made available to have company pages and while is a website, for all intents and purposes it is a company of sorts. With this website I am not only doing reviews and photography but also media relations, public relations and social network marketing. Periodically I would notice that the general public that I met at the conventions and shows were seeking to connect and using the medium like they would Facebook and this led me to creating an Official LinkedIn Company Page. The new look is below for ease of keeping up with where the narrative is heading. Yep. The long-standing PiercingMetal LinkedIn Company Page is now the brand-spanking new Ken Pierce Media LinkedIn Company Page. It was a very simple switch and I like it.
Tag Archives: social networking
Ken Pierce Media Is On YouTube
The brand-building for Ken Pierce Media continued through the end of the 2020 and one of the things that we did for this initiative in early December was to create and launch an Official YouTube Channel. I apologize for only announcing it now as the 2021 year launches but there were other pieces of the puzzle that needed to be put in motion before I could do anything with this. A screenshot of the Official YouTube Channel for Ken Pierce Media is below for your perusal. As you can see, there aren’t any videos yet and only a mere handful of subscribers.
In the coming weeks I’ll be putting together the channels first video clip and I think that a good place to start will be with something like I did for both PiercingMetal and “The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken with those “Overview” videos. These are fun to do and help properly showcase the other areas that a brand is using. At this point in time, the Ken Pierce Media initiative has more than a handful of social networks working in tandem to help it grow. Now the thing about YouTube is that you CANNOT properly name a channel until you have 100 subscribers and from there its not until 1000 that your videos can earn you some advertising so please use the links below to visit and help support each of our three different mediums. The PiercingMetal Channel has been online the longest but never really emphasized until a couple of years ago and the other two are less than two months old apiece. We thank you for any of your support on this stuff and remember that we’d love for you to comment and help add to the mix as well. Stay tuned.
Official Channel: Ken Pierce Media
Official Channel: PiercingMetal
Official Channel: Piercing Ken
Ken Pierce Media Is On Facebook with An Official Business Page
These days you just can’t seem to run a professional level medium of any kind without having an Official Facebook for your fans and curious onlookers to “Like” or “Follow”. When I first announced the existence of Ken Pierce Media as a Blogspot feed to the content of both and “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” (seen HERE for the latecomers), there wasn’t really a grand design. That blog was aimed at giving me some background on the software and then using it to my publishing advantage instead of just letting it sit there. So much has changed since then and this all brings me to present to you the “Official” Facebook for Ken Pierce Media.
Some of you might remember that a core part of this idea becoming a real side effort was based on a Facebook inconsistency which found me creating a Group with the same name. The Group was invite only and wasn’t planned on being a widely used section of the social media giant so that was not going to really help foster this growing angle. This new publicly accessible Page allows anyone interested to participate and as you all know, the growing of both “Likes” and “Follows” while important, are still behind any of the engagement. When you see us posting, be sure to comment after liking the notice. This works for Page growth and shows the Facebook algorithm that we have a vibrant following who are engaged with our content. In time, I’ll be moving on from that Group in the fashion it was built and doing many more broadcasts here so please follow the link below and if there are any questions about this part of the Ken Pierce Media angle, they can be submitted as a comment and I will answer as time permits. Please note that I will ONLY answer submitted comments about this Facebook Page here and no where else. While I understand the need for social media engagement I am still Old School and prefer that web traffic.
Official Link:
Spotlighting The Ken Pierce Media Facebook Page on Tumblr
As Facebook is the biggest of the social networking tools on the web, it’s become necessary to bring the Ken Pierce Media angle into their realm by launching an Official Business Page. Those who like what we are involved in can find the page on Facebook by clicking – We ask that you kindly “Like” said Page and select “See First” to make sure the algorithm doesn’t hide any activity from you.
Spotlighting The Ken Pierce Media Page On Facebook
As Facebook is the biggest of the social networking tools on the web, it’s become necessary to bring the Ken Pierce Media angle into their realm by launching an Official Business Page. Those who like what we are involved in can find the page on Facebook by clicking
We ask that you kindly LIKE, FOLLOW and Choose SEE FIRST on said Page.