Tag Archives: social network usage

Discussing The PiercingMetal Twitter on Tumblr

I realize that since my Tumblr is no longer feeding the tweets that I send out to any of those who are following me here that I might be serving them best by making sure they knew of my link.  So here it is.  How does PiercingMetal.com use Twitter?  Well, very simply put I try to use it to direct readers to review content, thoughts about what is happening right now at a show I am attending or to share a viewpoint with someone else on Twitter who I am agreeing or disagreeing with.  I don’t tweet my every step nor over tweet sports stuff since I am the world’s worst sports fan.  I do hope you will follow us if you are on Twitter.

PiercingMetal & Twitter

social media logos, tumblr, tumblr logo across

Discussing The PiercingMetal Google+ Profile on Tumblr

In order to keep the brand on all of the relevant networks of the day, I jumped into Google+ very quickly for PiercingMetal.com to be on the safe side.  Much like a Twitter account, you can follow the site adventures by adding the Google+ page to your Following circles.  The way I use it is I will post the same new articles and blogs over there that you see feeding into Twitter and our Official Facebook page.  As long as readers are finding our articles we don’t mind the little bit extra maintenance time.  Thanks for listening.

PiercingMetal and Google+

social media logos, tumblr, tumblr logo across