Tag Archives: convention reviews

The Adventures Of Powerglove @ NY Comic Con 2010

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As 2010 drew to a close, PiercingMetal expanded its coverage scope by adding the New York Comic Con to its events of interest and attended this convention for the first time in a professional capacity. The serialized coverage was broken into chapters which can be observed on the website by clicking HERE.

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The Adventures Of Powerglove @ New York Comic Con 2010

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PiercingMetal’s coverage of the New York Comic Con for 2010 included a fun feature about the band Powerglove which can be examined by clicking HERE

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PiercingMetal Goes To New York Comic Con & Anime Festival 2010: Overview

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As 2010 drew to a close, PiercingMetal expanded its coverage scope by adding the New York Comic Con to its events of interest and attended this convention for the first time in a professional capacity. The serialized coverage was broken into chapters which can be observed on the website by clicking HERE.

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New York Comic Con 2010 Begins Today!!!!

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As 2010 drew to a close, PiercingMetal expanded its coverage scope by adding the New York Comic Con to its events of interest and attended this convention for the first time in a professional capacity. The serialized coverage was broken into chapters which can be observed on the website by clicking HERE.

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Reflections & Photos From KISS Expos Past (2002-2004)

PiercingMetal remembers some KISS Expos that were attended before the website was launched. Check the narrative out on the website by clicking HERE

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