Tag Archives: album anniversaries

Black Sabbath’s “Black Sabbath” Debut; 45 Years Of Heavy Metal Influence (1970-2015)

Black Sabbath’s “Black Sabbath” Debut; 45 Years Of Heavy Metal Influence (1970-2015)

Artist: Black Sabbath
Title: “Black Sabbath”
Label: Vertigo Records
Release Date: 2/13/1970
Genre: Heavy Metal/Blues Hard Rock

Logo - Black Sabbath

I could think of no better present on a Friday the 13th than to share with the heavy music fans of the world the news that Black Sabbath’s own debut (and self-titled) release “Black Sabbath” is having its 45th Anniversary today. The phrase “It Begins Here” was never truer…

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Dark Tranquillity’s “Character” Strong With Integrity @ 10 Years (2005-2015)

Dark Tranquillity’s “Character” Strong With Integrity @ 10 Years (2005-2015)

Artist: Dark Tranquillity
Title: “Character”
Label: Century Media Records
Release Date: 1/24/2005
Genre: Melodic Death Metal

Logo - Dark Tranquillity

I want to start this Music Milestone reflection by saying that 2015 is a big year for me personally because my PiercingMetal.com site will reach its tenth year online just before tax time in April and with that being the case I am paying a close level of scrutiny on many…

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KISS’ “Hotter Than Hell” Melting Stereos For 40 Years (1974-2014)

KISS’ “Hotter Than Hell” Melting Stereos For 40 Years (1974-2014)

“She looked good she looked Hotter Than Hell, all dressed in satins and lace. I looked at her and it was just too clear…..I had to get on the case”……. Yeah the words still come to me so many years after I first heard the sophomore effort by KISS and their album “Hotter Than Hell”. Of course the album’s title track was the recordings fourth number on the LP but I digress. Can you believe that is…

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W.A.S.P.’s Debut “W.A.S.P.”: “Still Stinging Strong @ 30 Years”

W.A.S.P.’s Debut “W.A.S.P.”: “Still Stinging Strong @ 30 Years”

One of the things that I love doing with these Music Milestones is to not only celebrate the longevity of these albums but also get to showcase the ones that were so instrumental in my own Metal upbringing. Such is the case found in the realization that W.A.S.P.’s self-titled debut album had reached its thirtieth anniversary today.

My own personal music journey into what W.A.S.P. was all about…

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Celebrating A Decade Of “One Day Remains” by Alter Bridge (2004-2014)

Celebrating A Decade Of “One Day Remains” by @AlterBridge (2004-2014)

I’ve usually left my “Music Milestone” toasts fall to artists and releases that have reached a little bit more of a shelf life but then again have started to make exceptions from time to time when the release or artist has made such an impact on the music scene around them that it bears toasting. Such is the case for the band Alter Bridge, whose debut album “One Day Remains” was released on this…

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