The Details:Ace Frehley IS and always will be the original Space Man and founding member of the legendary masked men of Rock and Roll – KISS; In today’s music world we find him not only a successful solo artist and inspiration to anyone who chooses to pick up the guitar but also a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee. Historically speaking he gave us the most popular of the KISS solo albums and…
Tag Archives: ace frehley
KISS’ “Hotter Than Hell” Melting Stereos For 40 Years (1974-2014)
KISS’ “Hotter Than Hell” Melting Stereos For 40 Years (1974-2014)
“She looked good she looked Hotter Than Hell, all dressed in satins and lace. I looked at her and it was just too clear…..I had to get on the case”……. Yeah the words still come to me so many years after I first heard the sophomore effort by KISS and their album “Hotter Than Hell”. Of course the album’s title track was the recordings fourth number on the LP but I digress. Can you believe that is…
Getting A Hard Rock KISS From Myrtle Beach, SC (6/3/2014)
Getting A Hard Rock KISS From Myrtle Beach, SC (6/3/2014)
If you are reading this as it first posts let me share that I am currently down South in the Myrtle Beach part of South Carolina paying a visit to some family who have relocated there. It’s a lovely spot for sure and just yesterday while driving around I noticed the Hard Rock Cafe on a section known as “Broadway On The Beach”. This is a very popular area and its got tons of shops and restaurants…
Congratulations To KISS On Their Official Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction (4/10/2014)
It’s on the books and NYC’s own KISS is FINALLY in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. What a journey it has been and I am only talking about the last few weeks of the bands life. I will not recount it all here because its been posted around ad nauseum. However, that being said I am super happy and proud of my favorite band in the world that they are in. Now I have a reason to visit the museum in…