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Ken Pierce Media Is Now Using Linktree

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Hey my friends so while this is rather a simple one I feel that it’s super-important nonetheless. I’m taking a quick moment out of the day to let you know that the continually growing Ken Pierce Media presence has created an account on Linktree. Now you might be wondering why this even merits a general announcement and the answer is quite simple. For starters, when I find something that is helpful to ones own brand identity I want to share it with them and when it comes to this outlet the goal is to use this space to share some of the development news. Also, when one embarks into the world of social media or launches a website you end up with a wealth of links as time goes on. Remember that KPM began soley as a Blogspot to be used as a creative scratchpad but over time became bigger and broader. It now has a on full on professional level website and twelve other networks connected to brand. For those who don’t yet know what Linktree actually is, its a free or pay for tool that let’s you create a tree of networks. I’ve actually been using this for both PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken and have it on the Official Instagram and Twitter profiles of those websites. This is far better than wracking your brain trying to decide what link to put in. Most of us would use a general website but the world today finds people only using their TikTok, or Facebook or YouTube Pages with a parked domain name and instead of flipping a coin about them you just create a Linktree and put that link where it says “URL”.

When the network visitor clicks the link your entire run of stuff is presented for them to choose from. This works out much better for me and like I said its free to use. There is a paid for tier that gives you a lot of options but most of us don’t really need them. If you’re one of those Influencer types and have some funding coming in you might want to try it out but for the regular cat on the media prowl the free version is all you will likely need. You can get some limited statistics on how much each network was clicked and I love statistics.

So you are now probably wondering if you need this and here is how you decide. Do you have more than one social media network? Of course you do. Do you want anyone who hits one of these networks to know about the other ones as well? Of course you do. With that information in your creative brain its time for you to get cracking and using it. Now I should say that I don’t use this on my Official Facebook Pages because they allow you to have nice looking links to social on them and so does YouTube in a less glamourous fashion but I am okay with that. This is right now on my Twitter and will be examined on a case by case necessity with the other networks. Ours is linked below if you’d care to check it out. At present all of the networks are listed in alphabetical order as opposed to in order of importance to brand. Thanks for listening as always and for keeping interested in the growth of this side of the fence. See you again soon.

Ken Pierce Media’s Linktree:

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