Trade Show Update: Piercing Ken Is Approved For NY NOW Winter Market 2024

trade show logos, ny now, ny now logo black and white

Greetings friends and kind readers of the Ken Pierce Media website. In an effort to use this outlet as our creative command center for the other websites a little better I’ve decided to begin sharing the convention and trade show approval notices with you right here when they come in. I’m doing it this way because there is more than enough content being posted on PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken on a regular basis and with that being the case, having such announcements here let’s this be more of the governing editorial space that I’ve been aiming it to be. Now its time to announce that the Piercing Ken site has just been approved as one of the media that will attend the NY NOW Winter Market trade show next month at the Javits Center.

ny now, piercing ken trade show approvals

“The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken have attended several of the NY NOW shows at this point in our media history and while some explorations have been better than others, its generally a good and interesting time and we get to meet a number of awesome vendors. According to my notes, I’ve been bringing this trade shows highlights to your attention since 2018 and with two shows per year, the end results are quite bountiful. Each year the show changes ever so slightly which keeps it on the unique side and while some vendors come and go, it lets me have the chance to talk to some new ones. It’s gotten a little smaller over the years as I originally remembered it being two floors of the Javits with a small section upstairs as well. Now its one full space on the main expo floor. The great part about this particular trade show is that it really works well with the YouTube Channel for the Piercing Ken website. I’ve been uploading all sorts of exhibitor interview and booth overview clips for the last few go-rounds and am going to keep up that practice going forward. If you’re curious about that content, I’ve made a Playlist to file all of them and you can launch that by clicking HERE. With the importance of YouTube for Content Creators nowadays, I’d love it if you could subscribe to that Channel and engage with the content if you’re moved by any of it. Wrapping this announcement up, I want to make sure you know that the overall show coverage will be posting on the Piercing Ken site with its traffic sign posts that make you aware of it all being posted here as I’ve done in the past. This model works out very well, and doing the approval announcements here also let’s this medium work better at being our guiding creative force. I hope that you like it and when you consider the amount of trade shows and conventions that I hit for the other two websites I will have my work cut out for me. Thanks for reading, chime in down below in the comments if you feel like adding something topical to the mix.


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