Today: The Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2023 @ Chelsea Piers Current

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Greetings my Friends and welcome back to another announcement about our most current adventuring. So I guess I’ve been using the Ken Pierce Media site as a bit of a launch point about what the pair of creative sites are getting up to and I have to say that this has been working out fine for me on each and every occasion. Historically speaking, when PiercingMetal would be heading to New York Comic Con I would share the news there and maybe over on “The Chronicles” if I remembered but now with this as our editorial “Executive Branch” I’m trying to do them here from the onset. With that said its time to share the news that I am returning to the Chelsea Piers event space known as “Current” to participate in the annual Toy Insider “Holiday Of Play” event. I’ve been attending the special events held by this team of experts for years and with each go round it just gets better and better. I’ve pointed out that this one is even more exclusive than their “Sweet Suite” which happens in the summertime and while it isn’t exactly Fall just yet, the time to decide on ones holiday purchases is now and this is the place to learn about all that is awesome from the folks who know about play. Their hashtag is #weknowplay after all.

toy insider, toy insider holiday of play, toy insider holiday of play 2023

Now with their focus on the gift guide and all the awesome STEM and STEAM stuff, there might now be a whole lot of finds for the PiercingMetal side of the fence but if I do observe the muhc coveted geek stuff at the “Holiday Of Play” I’ll be sharing them over on that side of the creative fence. I do expect to do a few videos and also some shorts since those are all the rage these days. Brands that I always look forward to seeing are LEGO, Crayola, Hasbro, Mattel and Wowwee. Oh who am I kidding, I love seeing everyone in the room and to sample some tasty eats as well. This time around I need to start snapping as soon as I get into the space because last time I caught up too much and wasn’t getting as many images as I like to have. Remember that I will be building a few editorial pieces on the sites as well as social media and the videos. A lot of work sure, but this will all prep me for the return of Toy Fair which I will once again be attending as a member of the media.

Before I wrap this up let’s remind and ask you kind readers to be aware of all of our social media profiles. In online time, the Ken Pierce Media outlet has just passed its own third anniversary and has become to perfect guidepost for content on the other two websites but despite this; it still has a bit of growth to do in the social media sense. In social its truly a numbers game and sadly a medium with 200 followers is considered to be not as good as a profile with 2000 of them. Though I hate the popularity contest basis of such things, I understand how it works and that is where you come in. The site page views for the year has just capped more than 300K which isn’t too shabby and each social profile is updated regularly but not over the top. I have some friends in the personal and professional circle that post almost every ten minutes and that is bonkers to me. The links you need are as follows Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Each are important to brand but I like the YouTube and TikTok ones the best. Thanks for reading and now it’s time to get down to business.

Click HERE for PiercingMetal “Holiday Of Play” 2023 Coverage
Click HERE for The Chronicles of Piercing Ken “Holiday Of Play” 2023 Coverage


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