Tag Archives: year in review

Presenting Our “Reddit Recap” For 2022

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Last year I decided to share the year-end rundown from my participation in the Reddit Community and since the notification has just arrived about my past years activity I am doing so again. I’m not sure how many of you out there in the readership use this but I have found it helpful for a number of things that I am involved in as a creative. I still feel that I am kind of green to this one but have kept my participation tight for a few small areas that I hope will expand the reach of some of the other work I am doing online. That being said, here are the screen grabs of the rundown from this 2022 year. I hope you enjoy it.

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Presenting Our “Reddit Recap” For 2021

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This narrative is a new kind of broadcast for me and is going to share one of the year-end rundowns that was received. I don’t know how many of you use the Reddit network but I’ve been signed up for a couple of years now and will admit that I’m still a bit of a novice. That being said, here are the screen grabs of the rundown from last year. I hope you enjoy it. I like their notion of looking back and moving forward in their service.

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Ken Pierce Media’s Tumblr “Year In Review” For 2021

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While I’ve been using the Tumblr micro-blogging platform for just over twelve years now, this “Year In Review” item is completely new to me. Perhaps this idea stems from the Automattic acquisition of the network from a couple of years ago (discussed HERE). Some of you might know that our original PiercingMetal Tumblr was re-branded and re-purposed to serve the needs of the Ken Pierce Media initiative and I think we’ve had quite the bountiful year. Take a look at the list down below as I present to you the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr “Year In Review” for 2021. We’d love for you to “Follow” us if you are using this medium as well.