Tag Archives: teenage mutant ninja turtles

Ken Pierce Media Posts 750th Clip on TikTok

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Greetings my friends and if you’ve already been following along with any of my TikTok related posts, I say “Welcome Back”. As expected, I have returned to shine a little spotlight on the Official Ken Pierce Media profile based on my hitting another increment of “50”. Believe it or not we are at a grand total now of “750” videos on the TikTok and that’s kind of awesome. Unlike some of my other clips, this one is from just the other day when I snagged the pile of comics from my local shop. I’ve been enjoying the share of this kind of clip because I think it helps collectors know what their peers are getting and might send them off to the shops nearest them to secure an issue or two. This weeks batch was an interesting one which you can see for yourself so without any further adieu, presenting the 750th TikTok from Ken Pierce Media.

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Ken Pierce Media Posts 700th Clip on TikTok

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Hello there my fine Friends of the Ken Pierce Media realm, as anticipated since the last time that this was done, its once again time to let you know that the Official TikTok for KPM has achieved another one of its plateaus and another “50” clips have gone online. Pressing “publish” on the 700th clip is rather cool since that is a good increment to hit. It’s a clip that also celebrates something that we love very much which is “The Hottest Band In The World” KISS. This particular one was a relatively cool find because it was one of those Walmart exclusives I think and I found it on eBay as a complete set. The folks at Figpin had made a “Love Gun” set of the band some years ago and then followed up with a “Double Platinum” edition. Believe it or not, “Double Platinum” was one of the first KISS records that I owned based on my vintage and while I don’t have a Walmart nearby my home, finding this set on eBay for an irresistible price made it a must have. I recorded this clip shortly after they arrived so here now is Clip #700 on The Official Ken Pierce Media TikTok.

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PiercingMetal’s Exhibitor Interviews From Toy Insider’s “Sweet Suite” 2024 @ The Glasshouse

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PiercingMetal was in attendance at The Toy Insider’s “Sweet Suite” 2024 at The Glasshouse. During the event, a series of toy exhibitor videos were recorded for our YouTube Channel. This clips have been compiled into a single narrative to offer some presence on the website as well. Click HERE to enjoy that piece.

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Checking Out Playmates Toys @ Toy Insider’s “Spring Fling” 2024

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The Toy Insider held their first-ever “Spring Fling” Toy Preview at Lavan Midtown last week and PiercingMetal was in attendance to explore the items being exhibited. Check out the overview of the Playmates Toys products on the website by clicking HERE.

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