Tag Archives: skottie young

Marvel Reveals “Kang The Conqueror” Variant Covers For August

Marvel Comics has released the images of a wealth of variant covers for the first issue of the upcoming “Kang The Conqueror” limited series and you can see them all over on PiercingMetal by clicking HERE.

piercingmetal comics logo, piercingmetal logos, piercing comics

Marvel Reveals “Strange Academy” First Issue Official Trailer

Back in December 2019, I first shared the news about the upcoming Marvel Comics series “Strange Academy”. In that post I was able to showcase some of the interior art so if you missed it just click HERE

strange academy comics logo

The Press Release:
Pack up all of your textbooks and talismans; classes are about to commence! A new school for a different type of gifted youngsters is about to open in the Strange Academy #1…

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Marvel Comics Announce “Strange Academy” Series For March 2020

Marvel Comics Announce “Strange Academy” Series For March 2020

As the new year steadily approaches, the new comic book series announcements begin to pick up steam. We’ve already talked about “INCOMING” and “SPIDER-WOMAN” and next up comes this really interesting title featuring Doctor Strange and more. Let’s investigate.

strange academy comics logo

The Press Release:
Through its history, the Marvel Universe has seen magic rise and fall to warp minds, control the future, and even…

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Marvel Announces “Deadpool” Series For June

Marvel Announces “Deadpool” Series For June

marvel comics logo

deadpool comics logo

The Press Release:
New creative teams. New series. New directions. New beginnings. It all kicks off this June with DEADPOOL #1!

Deadpool’s gone through A LOT these past few years, and while he’s accomplished a lot, the merc with the mouth may have taken his eye off his mercenary business for a bit too long,” said series editor Jake Thomas. “So how does a soldier for hire get business back up and…

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