Tag Archives: nascar

Slayer Sponsorship Pulled From Upcoming NASCAR Race

Hey remember last week when we talked about the Slayer NASCAR Car? You don’t? Well, if you didn’t you can click HERE to see what I mean but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore as you will learn by the latest news about this.

slayer logo

The Press Release:
Last week, Slayer announced that it had joined Rick Ware Racing as the primary sponsor for the No. 54 entry at tomorrow’s Bristol Motor Speedway. Today,…

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Slayer & Rick Ware Racing Sponsor Car #54 at Bristol Motor Speedway

Slayer & Rick Ware Racing Sponsor Car #54 at Bristol Motor Speedway

Back in the early days of July we shared the news about “The Final Campaign” which is the last leg on Slayers Farewell Tour and if you were off-planet or exploring the deep blue sea at the time and missed this news just click HERE to be up to date. This announcement is something completely different but still fun to bring to your attention. Presenting the Slayer NASCAR set of wheels.

slayer logo


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