Tag Archives: justice league

DC Comics Announces: “Dark Nights: Death Metal” Band Edition Limited Series

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The Press Release:
In anticipation of the international launch of DC’s runaway 2020 hit limited series, Dark Nights: Death Metal, the publisher announced today plans to collaborate with seven of the most renowned metal music bands for Dark Nights: Death Metal – Band Edition. Representing a cross-section of metal music from across genres and generations, each special edition will feature a variant…

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HBO Max Presents: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” Official Teaser Update

There is a teaser trailer for the upcoming HBO Max mini-series “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” and you can see and learn more about it over on PiercingMetal.com by clicking HERE.

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HBO Max Presents: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” Sneak Peek

It wasn’t long ago that we learned that HBO Max will be presenting Warner Brothers Pictures “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” to the masses. I announced that news HERE in case you missed it and feel like keeping up and now we have what amounts to a bit of a tease in this “sneak peek” clip. Take a look and then scroll through to learn more about the film in this revamped incarnation.
The Premise:…

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HBO Max Presents: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” Promotional Posters

I guess it was about a month ago or so when I helped broadcast the news that we would all be seeing the Zack Snyder cut of the “Justice League” film. The hoopla was revealed in a video that I added to THIS POST so you can check it all out. Since that time, a number of posters of the principle players have been released and I decided to add them into a new post for all to enjoy. Let’s take a look…

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HBO Max Will “Release The Snyder Cut” In 2021

So the big scuttlebutt is that the upcoming streaming service HBO MAX will be streaming the long discussed “Snyder Cut” of the DCEU film “Justice League”. As a fan of all the superhero movies, I’m going to be sharing what news I am alerted to in the hopes of generating some interest and of course upping the website traffic. Let’s take a look at the first clip discussing this news.
The Premise:…

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