Tag Archives: comic conventions

Today: Comic-Con International: San Diego 2024 Begins @ San Diego Convention Center

The famed Comic-Con International: San Diego or San Diego Comic-Con begins today and while we are not going to be in attendance, some editorial notations can be found on PiercingMetal by clicking HERE.

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Scenes From New York Comic Con 2022: Day Four (Part 2)

new york comic con logo - black and white, nycc logo, convention logos, new york comic con, reedpop

PiercingMetal’s in-depth New York Comic Con coverage continues with the post from Day Four, Part Two. Head over to the website to enjoy it by clicking HERE.

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Scenes From New York Comic Con 2022: Day Three (Part 3)

new york comic con logo - black and white, nycc logo, convention logos, new york comic con, reedpop

PiercingMetal’s in-depth of New York Comic Con continues with the post from Day Three, Part Three. Head over to the website to enjoy it by clicking HERE.

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