Tag Archives: branded channels

Ken Pierce Media Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Branded YouTube Channel

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Greetings Legions. As you all know, keeping you up to date on some of the inner workings of the Ken Pierce Media brand is of great importance to me as a content creator. To be honest, 2023 has already been a banner year for this still growing piece of the creative puzzle with the the celebration of its Third Anniversary and then publishing the 6000th Post. Links to those editorials will be linked to at the close and now its time to let you know that the Official Branded YouTube Channel for Ken Pierce Media has reached its own third anniversary.

youtube channel birthday graphic
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Ken Pierce Media Celebrates 2nd Anniversary Of Branded YouTube Channel

Hey there my friends, I am taking a brief pause from the day to share the news that I am celebrating some social media stuff. Today marks the 2nd Anniversary of the Official Branded Channel for the Ken Pierce Media side of the fence. The branding itself is closing in on its third year of existence and if you’ve been following along with any of the development narratives that have posted to the website you know that this once very simple idea has expanded into something much more comprehensive in overall reach. What began as a simple scratch-pad Blogspot is now a full-on professional level website with more than 5.9K posts and “10” social media profiles. The Ken Pierce Media use of the YouTube Channel is definitely less than that of the @PiercingMetal and @PiercingKen brands but is still of vital importance in the extension of the overall idea.

At the time of this network’s anniversary you will see that there aren’t a whole lot of videos on the Channel yet. The way that I’ve been using this Channel is to post when there is something that crosses all of the brands dividing lines. There are more of the new Shorts on the Channel which are often ported from our similarly branded TikTok account as it works out best to do it like that. I’ve been having fun using this area to broaden the KPM world a little more and ask that everyone who is reading this to both “Subscribe” and click the “Notification Bell” to ensure they won’t miss out on anything. It also helps if you click the like and leave a topical comment. For those who don’t know, you can’t secure an Official URL for a Channel until you reach 100 Subscribers and nothing can be monetized until you hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. Fortunately its easier to find this Channel thanks to their new Handles initiative but we are miles away from the other milestones needed. That’s where the audience and supporters of our content come in and its why we are asking for your brand support. The link is down below, and as I wrap this one up I say thanks for all the interest in this part of the creative puzzle. I enjoy using this to entertain and inform you all.

Click @kenpiercemedia to be brought to the Official Channel.

ken pierce media youtube logo