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Ken Pierce Media Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Branded YouTube Channel

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Greetings Legions. As you all know, keeping you up to date on some of the inner workings of the Ken Pierce Media brand is of great importance to me as a content creator. To be honest, 2023 has already been a banner year for this still growing piece of the creative puzzle with the the celebration of its Third Anniversary and then publishing the 6000th Post. Links to those editorials will be linked to at the close and now its time to let you know that the Official Branded YouTube Channel for Ken Pierce Media has reached its own third anniversary.

youtube channel birthday graphic

Now as far as the YouTube Channels go, the one for the Ken Pierce Media angle is not used as often as our two signature brands of PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken and instead will often direct you to the content that can be found on those two very active channels. Periodically I will do one of the short clips to announce when the brand has joined a new social media network or when one has been repurposed for this outlet after being seldomly used by the others. This kind of broadcast I feel not only expands the awareness of the outlet but they also let our audience in on some of the inner workings of the whole thing. The other purpose that this Channel serves is to act as its senior editorial presence over the narratives on the two websites and even their own social media profiles. I tend to like doing the shorter posts on this Channel than the longer ones because it let’s me get right to the point and with this three year Channel anniversary I will pepper in some of the videos that were done this year. For instance, Ken Pierce Media celebrated its third website anniversary back in June and I shared the news on this Channel and other mediums.

I’ve found that using the KPM Channel is also perfect for when the actual website achieves some cool milestone moments like when we published the 6000th Post. That was a pretty recent one and while this website was only launched officially in 2020, it was integrated with a Tumblr profile and that left us with a ton of content immediately. Of course reaching a publishing milestone like this doesn’t find me restng on any laurels as much as it finds me aiming my sights on the next achievement. Another thing I mentioned this Channel does is lauding the occasional social media profile and I have an example of this when I talked about our LinkedIn Company Page. For years this used to be a PiercingMetal Company Page but once KPM became a thing I repurposed it to be used under the Ken Pierce Media banner. I try to lead to the posts we are doing via that mechanism so if you are using LinkedIn at all, we’d love it if you follow that Page.

As I wrap this one up please know that I will look into doing more videos for this Channel and work hard at tying all the threads together. Ever since launching the KPM brand, I’ve lauded it as being the guiding editorial presence and with that being the case the videos should also fall along those lines. Now here is where the readership and viewers can really help this one out. We need you to subscribe to the Channel via its link below and by all means click on the notification bell for good measure. The subscriber growth has been slow but that’s mostly because I was not pushing it enough and was creating more for the other channels. We need to hit 100 subs because that will let me secure the proper URL for said Channel. This is the easiest way to link to it in some social media profiles so I’m counting on you. I also welcome engagement like comments as to what you think about the stuff we are sharing with you and what you’d you would be interested in seeing more of. Thanks for your support of the KPM brand and its social media branches. See you next time.


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