Well hello again my friends and “Welcome Back” to our occasionally popping up series about the Official Ken Pierce Media TikTok profile. Dedicated readers already know this but for the newbies in the room who have just arrived I do his for each increment of “50” posts. It’s almost hard to believe that I am now at “800” videos on TikTok because it was a platform that I never really wanted to begin using in the first place. Since the time of my first creating a profile, which was in 2021, it would take more than a year before I even used it. Longtime readers of the stuff happening on PiercingMetal will be amused at the clip that arrived for this plateau since its a hefty tome that is all about “The Hottest Band In The World” KISS. This is a Quarto Book by Martin Popoff and takes the reader through KISStory. They are my very favorite band ever and now here’s the 800th TikTok from Ken Pierce Media.
In keeping up with the program on helping other posts and to make this a little bit more of a substantial read I am going to add two very topical posts to this one. In the coming days, the New York Comic Con will be taking over the Javits Center for its 2024 edition and I can hardly wait to explore for my 14th straight year of attendance. The first additional video I am sharing was the reveal of the Official Press Badge. I’ve seen those influencer types and the more braggadocious sorts out there in the realm doing this kind of thing so I wanted to not only keep up with the Joneses but also do it in a more modest and friendly fashion. Also, with the NYCC coming up I figured sharing the post I made when the “Absolute Batman” first issue hit the shelves was a good idea. To say that this issue flew off the shelves would be an understatement and it was only days after when DC Comics announced that there would be a second printing. That blew my mind since the first printing was still on the racks of places like Midtown Comics and Forbidden Planet. If you’re one of the readers going to the New York Comic Con you should try to find a copy of this.
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This is the part where I like to talk about some of the statistics that the profile has secured over a frame of time. I usually don’t know when the next plateau is going to come but this time around I reached it faster because I did indeed start posting more than one video only per day. As I mentioned in one of the previous post, I just have too many videos to share from all sorts of adventures. Remember that while I keep the profile as KPM, there are adventures being done for PiercingMetal and Piercing Ken and let’s face it; both of those sites have been in overdrive over the last year. The followers are growing but so slow on the uptick but that is okay since the video views across the last 30 days has hit 27K which is really cool for this kind of account. The likes were not bad but they can always be better and that all falls in your lap. I admit that I was surprised about some shares being done and honestly I ‘ve never really looked at that but of course am stoked about any additional visitors to the profile it generates.
Wrapping it all up I want to extend my world of thanks for any of the time that gets spent on our TikTok Profile. Remember that Ken Pierce Media can only be found on Instagram via a hashtag and while the followers here are not crazy in terms of number they are surpassing the X, Facebook and YouTube Channels dedicated to this outlet. Remember that we are moving closer and closer to the banning date that was signed over by President Biden some months ago. He’s not running for President again and in his place is Kamala Harris in case you were avoiding any politics. Will Harris beat Trump or will Trump beat Harris? Who knows, all that can decide is the voters and if you remember I suggested to make sure you are registered because you are going to want to vote out anyone who has compromised your TikTok profile if you are someone who makes some money off of it. We have some time and I am hoping that I can get another couple of milestones reached but I don’t think I can get to the 1000th which is a shame. I will be seeing you again once I hit the 850th clip and that might also be fast since I am trying to clear up the TikTok Phone’s backlog of content. See you next time and thanks again for making this TikTok account so much fun to use. My hope is to get a whole lot of content from the soon arriving New York Comic Con.
Follow KPM: Ken Pierce Media on TikTok
Related: TikTok Milestones