Today: The Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” 2022 @ Chelsea Piers Current

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Greetings readers of the now 2.25 year old enterprise of Ken Pierce Media. I’m here today to share another one of those announcements that you would occasionally see on either of the other websites if I was going to something that I wanted to announce to its readership. However, this particular event finds me working both sides of that creative coin. I’m talking about the one and only Toy Insider “Holiday Of Play” which will be held over on Chelsea Piers in a slightly smaller event space called “Current”. We’ve been here before for this same event and actually, while this past year’s “Sweet Suite” was the return to in-person for that event – the 2021 “Holiday Of Play” was the first time back for this event after the dreadful COVID-19 pandemic. The smaller space is based on the fact that this happening is dedicated to the holiday gift guide selections and not much else. It also has a smaller attendance base by design so it is great to be invited to this one.

toy insider, toy insider holiday of play, toy insider holiday of play 2022

One thing that the readership needs to know about the “Holiday Of Play” event is that its a succinct focus on their amazing holiday gift guide. So that means there are less products to examine than at the summertime “Sweet Suite”. Most of the stuff I see here will be featured over on “The Chronicles” website and social media since its that demographic more so than any of the PiercingMetal website. With that said, if I do see awesome action figures and superhero stuff it will be share on that site. The exhibitor list is down below and I am hoping to see everyone who will be in attendance. The event runs later in the afternoon into the evening and the Current space lets you enjoy some cool harbor views which I like very much. There are two links down below that will lead you to each of our sites and when the content is live they will lead you to it.

toy insider, holiday of play, holiday of play 2022, toy insider holiday of play  sponsors, toy insider holiday of play  sponsors 2022

Before I go, let me stress/remind/ask you kind readers to be aware of all of our social media profiles. Though Ken Pierce Media has just passed its sophomore year of existence, its still very much growing in the social media space which as you might well know is a numbers game. Though I hate the popularity contest basis of such things, I understand how it works and to clarify a site with 100 followers against one with 1000 followers is considered to be less than valuable. While we continue to grow the networks its cool to say that the site traffic via the statistics is solid but I digress. The links you need are as follows Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. I view all of them as equally important but will admit that right now I lean on YouTube and TikTok a bit more. Thanks for reading and now it’s time to get down to business.

Click HERE for PiercingMetal “Holiday Of Play” 2022 Coverage
Click HERE for The Chronicles of Piercing Ken “Holiday Of Play” 2022 Coverage


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