Hey there my kind readers, its time for me to take a moment out of the always hectic publishing regimen to let you know that the Creative High Command of Ken Pierce Media will be in attendance at the first-ever Toy Insider “Spring Fling” Toy Preview. It will be taking place for a few hours at the Lavan Midtown event space which I have never been to before and if my mathematics are correct this will amount to being my sixteenth event that the Toy Insider has asked me to join in on. My announcing it here is based on this one likely being a bit of cross-coverage for my longstanding pair of editorial websites.
As some might recall, I would usually post to only PiercingMetal or over on “The Chronicles” when it comes to an event such as this but over the last few go-rounds I have found myself offering up content on each of the pair of sites that I maintain. In addition to that publishing activity, there will always be a bunch of social media posts and I’ve been trying to up the game with videos for the YouTube Channels. An event like this one isn’t so easily documented no matter what you think your creative skillset is. Some creators hold the “less is more” ideal but I’ve long been a “more is more” kinda publisher. There are millions upon millions of websites out there and even more brand social media accounts and quite honestly you are competing against them all even if they aren’t at the same happening that you are but I digress. Links to the content loaded on the two sites is presented below and as expected will be referred to here on Ken Pierce Media on a post by post basis as is our usual practice. I’ve seen the exhibitor list and its a good one. There are some new vendors coming and several that I have known for years and I’m not going to lie about how excited I am to see them IRL once again. With no proper Toy Fair happening this past February or for the year in all actuality, its great that the Toy Insider came up with this idea. I’ll wrap this up now since I’ve got some packing of my convention needs and like to double check that I have everything and the business cards. Thanks for indulging me in the announcement I hope you will enjoy the posts that are to come. Oh and before you ask, the answer is yes, the KPM site will be feeding any of the posts to the other sites right here as well because content is king. Off I go.
Click HERE for PiercingMetal “Spring Fling” 2024 Coverage
Click HERE for The Chronicles of Piercing Ken “Spring Fling” 2024 Coverage
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