Tag Archives: star wars

Take Heed, The “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Official Teaser #2 Is Here

Logo - Star Wars The Force Awakens

A few months ago the world was treated to almost two minutes of a teaser from the still in production film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” which is coming out in December of this year and now the magical science fiction powers that be have given us a better look inside this film in a longer trailer which I have embedded for your indulgence below. Check it out and then lets banter about it a…

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Marvel Comics #1’s Available In January 2015

#MarvelComics #1’s Available In January 2015

Welcome to 2015 my comic loving friends and even though we are now three day in I hope that it is going to be a “MARVELOUS” one for you (I’m sorry I had to go for the pun since I am raring to go with the website and this exciting New Year). Here we are at our January first issues that will be served up by Marvel Comics. As usual the post features provided press copy and images and then some…

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Happy Star Wars Day 2014 To The Metal Masses!!!

While I realize that I put most of this on my PiercingKen.com site, I am so interested in the subject matter that our wonderful Metal Legions get a posting here as well so with that said – “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….” – Those were the words that audiences across the land first experienced when the film “Star Wars” first opened in 1977 and today is the day that fans celebrate it.

Logo - Star Wars

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