Tag Archives: sdcc 2018

Zenescope Entertainment Announces Plans for San Diego Comic Con

convention logos, san diego comic con, san diego comic con logo, comic-con international: san diego, comic-con international: san diego logo

The folks over at Zenescope Entertainment have lined out their plans for the upcoming Comic-Con International: San Diego and I’ve shared this update over on PiercingMetal.com so just click HERE to check it out.

piercingmetal logo

War Machine Marketing Presents “Pantera Mini-Guitars” (SDCC 2018 Exclusive)

War Machine Marketing Presents “Pantera Mini-Guitars” (SDCC 2018 Exclusive)

As the Comic Con International: San Diego draws closer, the news about exclusive comic books, toys and assorted memorabilia has been picking up steam. Just a short time ago we learned about these awesome collectibles from the folks at War Machine Marketing. Check this out below.

war machine marketing logo

The Press Release:
“I’ve been a huge PANTERA fan since 1991. Their records hold such a unique place in my heart and…

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Marvel Comics Lines Out SDCC 2018 Panels

Hey Fiends, while we are on the topic of the things going on at this years Comic Con International: San Diego (or SDCC from here on out to save me some typing), I just received some cool press news about the panels that the folks at Marvel Comics are going to be holding. If you are planning on attending this massive convention in the coming weeks you’re going to want to know what is happening…

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