Tag Archives: robert deniro

Now In Theaters: “Joker” (10/4/2019)

Now In Theaters: “Joker” (10/4/2019)

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Back in August, we shared what amounted to be the Final Trailer for the new Warner Brothers Pictures film “Joker” and if you didn’t see that post and our editorial thoughts just click HEREto be up to speed about it. This Warner Brothers Pictures feature opens today in theaters everywhere and stars Joaquin Phoenix as the title character. Let’s remind ourselves of the Theatrical Poster, some…

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Warner Brothers: “Joker” Final Trailer (Opening 10/4/2019)

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When I first discussed the soon to be opening film “Joker” here on PiercingMetal’s Pop Culture focuses (seen HERE), I had pointed out that outside the success of “Wonder Woman”, “Aquaman” and “SHAZAM!” films (all three of which I loved); The DC Extended Universe is a hot mess. Since that time there has been less and less discussion of the connected universe and one has to assume that they have…

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Warner Brothers: “Joker” Teaser Trailer (Opening 10/2019)

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Outside of the success of “Wonder Woman”, “Aquaman” and the potentially fun appeal of the “SHAZAM!” film (which opens this Friday); The DC Extended Universe is a hot mess. Films like “Man Of Steel” were moderately received and “Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice” was a ponderous effort that bore little reward while “Justice League”, well, let’s not discuss the absolute bomb that this ended up…

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