20th Century Studios latest installment in the “Planet Of The Apes” franchise arrives with “Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes” which opens in theaters everywhere. Some reminder details and editorial notions are over on PiercingMetal so just click HERE to see them.
Tag Archives: kevin durand
20th Century Studios: “Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes” Teaser Trailer
The saga of an Earth ruled by apes returns with the film “Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes” which takes place hundreds of years after the last film. The first teaser trailer has just premiered and you can take a look at this 20th Century Studios production over on PiercingMetal by clicking HERE.
DC Universe Presents: “Swamp Thing” Official Trailer
It was only a month ago from today that we got our first teaser trailer for the latest DC Universe live action series “Swamp Thing”. Now, with the series beginning on the service in the coming days, a full on official trailer is revealed. Take a look.
The Premise:Abby Arcane returns home to Houma, Louisiana to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, where she develops a bond with scientist…