Tag Archives: godzilla

Warner Brothers Pictures: “Godzilla Vs. Kong” Official Trailer

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Though many of my friends are excited about football today since the winners on either side will line out the teams for the upcoming Super Bowl, I was more excited about the news about the Warner Brothers Pictures upcoming feature “Godzilla Vs. Kong”. The first official trailer just premiered a few minutes ago and I’ve presented that for you along with some premise, casting and promotional art.…

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Playmates Toys Reveals “Godzilla Vs. Kong” First Set of Figures

Playmates Toys Reveals “Godzilla Vs. Kong” First Set of Figures

playmates toys logo

While the world might be on hold in terms of proper film releases, the folks that make the toys that often accompany a release are keeping hard at work with the products to come and have begun doing their reveals and even some releases just in time for the holiday season. We’ve just completed a very fun virtual event held by the fine folks at The Toy Insider with their “Holiday Of Play” happening…

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Godzilla Stomps into San Diego Comic-Con for the First Time

Many of the attendees of the upcoming Comic Con International: San Diego are in countdown mode since the event starts in some sense tomorrow with the larger convention beginning on Thursday. I’ve shared some coolness already which you can observe via THIS LINK and now its time to share some convention plans by the one and only Godzilla. Take a look.

sdcc, comic-con international: san diego, san diego comic convention

The Press Release:
Godzilla Stomps into San…

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Godzilla Stomps into San Diego Comic-Con for the First Time

Many of the attendees of the upcoming Comic Con International: San Diego are in countdown mode since the event starts in some sense tomorrow with the larger convention beginning on Thursday. I’ve shared some coolness already which you can observe via THIS LINK and now its time to share some convention plans by the one and only Godzilla. Take a look.

sdcc, comic-con international: san diego, san diego comic convention

The Press Release:
Godzilla Stomps into San…

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