Tag Archives: dee dee ramone

Today: “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones & The Birth Of Punk” @ Queens Museum

Hey there readers, I’m here bright and early on a Sunday morning to let you all know that starting today at the Queens Museum will be an exhibit entitled “Hey, Ho, Let’s Go: Ramones & The Birth Of Punk”. Given its title I don’t actually think I need to explain what the exhibit entails but to make sure you are all on point I have embedded the entire press copy from the museum below. Check it out.…

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PiercingMetal Goes To The “Dee Dee Ramone” Exhibit (12/28/2014)

Dee Dee Ramone Exhibit

Do you readers remember when I paid a visit to the Chelsea Hotel Storefront Gallery in order to share with you my findings during the “Blondie 40th Anniversary” Exhibit? If you answered “Yes” that is fantastic and if you said “No”, just click that title referenced and you can check out the piece. This time around would be a exhibition dedicated to the late great Dee Dee Ramone, bassist, founder…

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Here’s the #fender #deedeeramone #signaturemodel #bassguitar on display with his #leatherjacket at #deedeeramoneexhibit #chelseahotelstorefrontgallery #punkrocklegends #theramones #gabbagabbahey #nycmusicscene w #piercingmetal (at Chelsea Hotel Storefront Gallery)