Twenty two years and a day after the theatrical opening for the film “Jurassic Park” that started this whole thing off comes the opening of the film “Jurassic World” in which we find a fully functional park with no real issues to be concerned about. Right? Right? Check out one of the cool posters for the film and the cast and then we can gab a little. Brief (non-spoiler) Premise: 22 years after…
Tag Archives: chris pratt
Check Out The “Jurassic World” – Official Global Trailer
Check Out The “Jurassic World” – Official Global Trailer
Boy oh boy have there been a lot of trailers to share with you folks but that is never a bad thing when you consider some of the properties that are going to be coming to life on the big screen this summer and the months that follow it. Back in November of 2014 I shared the Teaser Trailer of the upcoming film “Jurassic World”. Honestly speaking, it was much more than a tease based on its length…
The Trailer Is Here: “Jurassic World” (2015)
The Trailer Is Here: “Jurassic World” (2015)
I loved the first “Jurassic Park” film along with the second go round and can admit that I even found a slight pleasure in the third film despite it being the weakest of the mix. When I think back to the first film, I have to chuckle about my hitting this one with my parents who seldom found interest in the same things as me when it came to actually going to the movies but I had convinced them…
Opening Today: “Guardians Of The Galaxy” (8/1/2014)
I’ve said for awhile that is was time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to get more cosmic and what better way to do it than to bring “The Guardians Of The Galaxy” to the big screen in the teams live-action debut. Check out the poster below and then we can discuss a little deeper.