Marvel Studios brings the “Eternals” to life in their full-length film which opens today in theatres everywhere. Learn some things about the film over on by clicking HERE.
Tag Archives: angelina jolie
Marvel Studios “Eternals” Final Trailer
Marvel Studios has released “The Final Trailer” for the upcoming film “Eternals” and you can see it and more over on by clicking HERE.
Marvel Studios “Eternals” Official Teaser
Marvel Studios has released an Official Teaser for the upcoming “Eternals” motion picture and you can check that and more out over on by clicking HERE.
Opening Today: Disney’s “Maleficent” (5/30/2014)
Opening Today: Disney’s “Maleficent” (5/30/2014)
I don’t generally do any broadcasts about films of the Disney nature but the evil queen from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” fairytale is getting her own origin film and a live action one as well and that is a special occasion. Ladies and gentlemen, “Maleficent” opens today in theaters near you. Check out the poster.