Greetings readers I am taking a pause from the usual posts of the day to celebrate what amounts to being the second online anniversary of the still growing outlet known as Ken Pierce Media. The newbies to this branding should be aware that I launched this in June of 2020 during the height of the pandemic as a tool to help me with some web-consulting. I’ve built up some WordPress trainer level skills thanks to all the friends I’ve helped along the way and felt that learning some tricks in the Google Blogger medium would be of benefit as well and likely find me teaching people to upgrade their own online presence. The initial plan was just to have an empty blog to use to poke around and be able to help then out but after looking at the name I decided upon a few times I began adding posts to it. Despite the lack of well, everything, by June 2020 the two websites were posting on an almost daily basis. My original announcement is shared once again in a link that leads you to “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” by clicking HERE). I thought a lot was accomplished during the first year but wow did the second one blow that out of the doors.
Historically speaking this is the second time that I am lauding a second anniversary and that first one would have been for “The Chronicles” which recently celebrated its own twelfth anniversary. PiercingMetal only began discussing these yearly milestones after being online for five years. The interested can read each of the anniversary posts by clicking the highlighted text for “The Chronicles at 12” and “PiercingMetal at 17”. On the Year One anniversary I was happy to share that we had more than 4.9K posts in the content for readers to peruse and now as Year Two wraps up we are just past the 5.4K mark. Since that time this site has become much more than the feed to the two sides of the creative coin, its now the hand that flips said coin and shuffles through the other areas of the social media stratosphere where we regularly dwell but more on that stuff in a little bit. The Blogspot account still lives on but remains the bare bones piece of the puzzle and Tumblr is still there becasue the folks at Automattic never shut it down like I assumed that they would when all of this was building. As I enjoy sending the two Instagram profile posts to Tumblr, anyone who uses that medium is welcome to join us there too. The WordPress is the most important piece of the Ken Pierce Media branding because I’ve begun adding higher level editorial pieces to the mix when it has to do with something that is neither PM or PK. I haven’t added any additional categories to the site and have left them as they were during Year One since breaking them down into the socials and sites felt right for this outlet. I’ll admit that the importing of the original Tumblr content into this WordPress is still proving to be a bit of a herculean editing job but each completed update is another brick in the fortress that makes it stronger and better going forward. I didn’t encourage subscribing to this site when we kicked it into gear but now I will say that its a good idea because in addition to fixing the older content I am integrating other items from PiercingMetal and “The Chronicles” that I feel merit inclusion in the content base. These integrations can be a year or even five years old depending on what I decide to add. The visual below is where the Ken Pierce Media WordPress stands right now and my hope is to get close as possible to the 6K mark by the end of the year. Let’s see what happens.
Sticking to a bit of a format, as we wrap up the second anniversary and look forward to a sure to be promising third year I will once again point out all of the important social media networks that we ask for your participation on. In today’s media world you must have the followers and the subscribers and most important their engagement. It doesn’t help at all if you subcribe and never watch the videos or comment on them or follow the tweets and grams and never interact with them and on Facebook the same applies at almost every turn. Doing these things help “The Ken Pire” get stronger and stronger and be able to cover and discuss more important stuff with you all. Though this list is shared in alphabetical order, the most important networks are the Facebook, YouTube and Twitter so please “follow” or “subscribe” to those straightaway. We don’t mind you rallying behind the other stuff but those three are the big players in social and help the climb be an easier one. The readers with philanthropy in mind can also help the engine keep fueled by adding a few bucks to the virtual tip jar that we keep in Kofi. Since the very first launch all expenses have been covered in house which translates to out of my own pocket. That’s the site costs, hosting, gear upgrades and replacements and it gets expensive when you do it for this long. Closing up I can only say that building this new outlet has been an interesting process. I’ve begun accessing some events as this branding and while some ask me if I would subsume either PiercingMetal or “The Chronicles” into this, I don’t see that happening yet. Maybe within the next few years but right now I am content with this being the Command Center for the other two. What I would love to do is integrate each social media profile into this one but when you merge names you lose all the posts and engagement. I don’t think that is beneficial so maybe they will change that at some point in the future since companies rebrand all the time. Thanks to all of you who find this interesting and are being supportive of it all. There is so much to come and I am not just telling you to wait and see. If you subscribe and visit often you will see it for yourself on a regular basis. Still plenty of miles to go but I am up for the challenge.
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